We are an informal group of local Persians and Americans who potluck together once a month at each other's homes. What we have in common is first, a love of our Savior, Jesus Christ; secondly, a love of fellowship together; and last, but not least, a love of eating a delicious variety of healthy Persian, and American foods. Four of us are single, and the rest are married--and, I might add, to their first, and only, spouses. That's quite an impressive record for married couples these days! I'm next to the oldest in our group (our ages span from the early 40's to the mid 70's), but age doesn't make a difference to any of us. My friends are such a blessing to me, it's like having a wonderful Christmas present all year long!

This month we met at Mitra and Esmaeil's home. Mitra always puts on those extra special touches that make everything look so pretty. I don't have her gift. When it's my turn to host, I'm lucky if my house is clean! Just look at all the beautiful Christmas touches Mitra added to her dining room.
She also froze pomegranate seeds in ice cubes and added them to a simple pitcher of water making it look so pretty and festive! What a clever gal, she is!
Just look at this array of interesting (and beautiful) dishes. Mitra made the bowl of yogurt in the front--it's a good accompaniment to the chicken. Farzaneh made the bowl of tabbouleh in the back, one of my favorite salads.
Have you ever seen chicken drums this pretty? Mitra removed the skin for all us cholesterol-conscious folks before seasoning and baking them. They were uber delicious!
Mavosh formed these cutlets with rice, onion and ground beef before dipping them in bread crumbs and frying them. Mmmmmm--so tender and tasty!
Mitra made this fancy platter of rice--by adding lima beans, dill and saffron for flavor and color.
Mitra also experimented with quinoa--she added raisins, currants, and spices to give this dish a wonderful flavor. If you haven't already guessed by now, Mitra is a gourmet cook! She's been trying to teach me how to cook some of her culinary delights, but I'm a slow learner.
And what did I contribute? Just a plain ol' platter of fresh vegetables and dip that weren't even worthy of a picture--trust me!
Grateful for my Persian and American friends,
Homestay Mama