Why is it that nothing goes according to plans? Has that ever happened to you? Well, this post is way past the 10:00 p.m. deadline I promised you, but I'll spare you all the 'Murphy' details, and hopefully you'll forgive me for the lateness of this post!
I tried to make it as scientific as possible using less than scientific means. I printed all your comments on the exact, same-size, slips of paper.

Then I folded each slip of paper into the exact same size and put them into this basket.

Next, Toshi and Ezra helped me by drawing out three names! Yes, three--I decided to add a little twist to the suspense! And a surprise!

At this point we still had not opened any of the slips of paper so we didn't know whose names had been selected. Then we put the three slips of paper back into the basket. (Woops, I forgot to take the price tag off the basket! How embarassing!)

Then my very efficient helpers drew out one slip of paper at a time.

The first slip of paper they drew is the second runner up. The winner is: Jane. Congratulations, Jane. Send me an e-mail with your address and I'll get your prize right out to you--an exciting pedicure set from my favorite health & vitamin store (Super Supplements). Then relax your pampered feet on the sofa while you sip a soothing cup of tea!

The second slip of paper they drew is the first runner up. The winner is: Aunt Clyo. Congratulations, Aunt Clyo! Hey, I know you! But you can send me an e-mail anyway, and I'll send this book to you, written by my favorite author, Jan Karon. I'll include some tea also, because there's nothing better than sipping a cup of tea while reading a wonderful book!

OK, everyone, did you like that little surprising twist? I thought it was fun, and I just might do it again at my next giveaway!
And now...
Drum roll please.......
The last slip of paper is the First Prize Winner of Homestay Mama's First Ever Giveaway.
(This is so fun! I just love giveaways, don't you?)
And the winner for the $25.00 gift card is...
another drum roll, please...

Congratulations Cee! Send me an e-mail with your address, and tell me your choice of stores. Hmmmm, since you live in Australia, $25.00 in American dollars, should be about $34 in Australian dollars, right? Anyway, you are such a creative woman, I think you will have no trouble deciding what to buy!
My humble thanks to all the rest of you for participating in my first giveaway. I wish I could have given prizes to all of you for being such wonderful participants!
Happy April 15th!
Homestay Mama