There just had to be a happier ending to my week. After losing my little Athena on Tuesday and getting the flu on Thursday, I needed some good news! Thankfully I was feeling much better this afternoon, so I got on my computer and started catching up with my blog reading.
Oh. My. Gosh!
Ree's here! In Seattle. She's signing books right now!
It was my chance of a lifetime. But was I well enough to go? I had taken my temperature at noon and it was normal. It was now 5:00 pm. I checked it again--still normal. Good! I figured I couldn't be contagious. Ree was just a couple miles away; I would kick myself forever if I didn't go!
When I arrived, a rainbow hovered over Third Place Books. That was a good sign.

The parking lot hadn't been this full in years!

I went in, bought my book and got my ticket--"J."
Uff-Da! It was going to be a long wait!
Then I saw Ree's daughter and her mother-in-law and asked if I could take their picture. They were both so nice and friendly! And relaxed, too. They were sitting at one of the tables in Third Place Book's Cafe.
Ree's daughter is very tall for her age. It runs in the family, they told me. She is so cute, so mature, so wholesome-looking! She has a famous mother, but she didn't act stuck up in the least. Now that's a real testimony to the great parenting of PW and MM!

MM's mother was so easy to talk to! I could have chatted forever, but I felt that would have been a tad presumptuous and bad-mannered on my part, so I didn't.

MM's Mom's cousin and her husband came up from Tacoma to see their relatives. I should have asked their names, but my mind was so giddy just being there, that I couldn't think rationally! While I was there another young lady at the same table gave me an extra ticket that had been given to her. It was an H! God was looking favorably upon me!

The lines snaked through the book shelves. Some people had waited a very long time.

I don't know who these gals were, but I took their picture anyway. I wasn't sure whether I'd be so lucky later on and took as many pictures as I could. This was a little past 6:00 pm.

I knew I had at least a two-hour wait before it was my turn, so I started to head home. But then I discovered my friend, Gramma2Many and two of her daughters. They had been there since 4:30 pm! They had the letter "I" and were playing Phase 10 to pass their long wait. We chatted awhile, then I went home and started writing my post.
At 8:30 pm I went back. By now it was dark. Gramma2Many and her daughters were still playing Phase 10. I joined them and played a few rounds. And then they called my letter -- H.
My heart started racing! My spirits soared. I was going to meet the Pioneer Woman in person! Ree, the most famous blogger in the world who is young, beautiful, gifted at writing and always composed!
Then to my horror, I discovered I had left my camera card at home in my computer! I raced back home!

When I returned, the I's were in line. The bookstore lady most graciously let me in with the "I" group. I found Gramma2Many and her daughter and joined them in line.

Then it was my turn! It was 10 pm. I felt tongue-tied, but I'm sure I babbled like an idiot. On the other hand, Ree was very composed, gracious and charming! You'd never know she had been smiling and signing for five solid hours! She's an amazing woman and I had the privilege of meeting her! Wow!
What a wonderful blessing at the end of a very hard week!
PW, you're the best! I'm so glad you came to Seattle and that I got to meet you! Today you saw our rain. I am wishing sunshine for you tomorrow--with a view of our beautiful mountains.
Have a wonderful and safe journey.
Homestay Mama
I just got home 12:30 so I think I will post tomorrow. I really do not think I would do this again except for the four people I named earlier. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon though, wasn't it?
ReplyDeleteShe was still smiling and composed at 10 PM? Zowie, I love that woman! I blogged my (embarrassing Ree book signing story too:
ReplyDeleteGlad you had time to grab your camera card! You must live close by, like me (we live in Woo'ville).
Nice to "meet" you!
Sue this is so exciting and I'm REALLY happy for you!!! I'm envious and wish I could have met her but she didn't come anywhere near me. However, a dear blogging friend took me with her VIRTUALLY! Isn't that great? I have a signed copy of her book, the T-shirt, etc. and it's the subject of an upcoming blog. So glad you got to meet her!