Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is Toshi, my homestay student from Japan in 2007, (not to be confused with Toshi, my current homestay student from Japan). Toshi arrived in September 2007, for a one-quarter cooperative course of study between the University of Washington in Seattle and Ritsumeikan University in Japan.  Toshi is an outgoing, friendly young man who was an excellent student.  He has a positive outlook and a zest for life and wasn't shy about learning and speaking in English.   Athena doesn't usually let my homestay students hold her, but she liked Toshi!   They say that when an animal likes you, it's proof positive that you're a good person!   The quarter went all too fast and before we knew it, it was December and time for Toshi's farewell party. My Korean students (brothers, Hyun Wook and Ki-Bum) cooked a special Korean meal for Toshi. And soon after Toshi was boarding the shuttle bus to the airport!
But in July 2008,  Toshi came back for a visit.
This spring Toshi sent me these pictures of his graduation from Ritsumeikan.
The other great news is that he has already landed a job in Japan!
Congratulations, Toshi!  You did well and you deserve life's best.  Your American 'mama' is very proud of you!
Homestay Mama


  1. Awww... doesn't it do your heart good to see the results of a mama's efforts? :-)
    Congratulations to Toshi!

  2. oooh!! look at that snazzy refrigerator!! with the bottom freezer door
    *so jealous*

    also. your kitchen remodel is fantastic. I love your granite countertop that is set at an angle. what a cool design!

    *sigh* I wish I had a real kitchen... All I have here in japan is a two-burner electric stovetop, a sink, and a mini fridge/microwave.

  3. oh! btw! I know about Ritsumeikan university!! I have some friends that went there on exchange programs. I don't know if they know your Toshi, though.

  4. Congratulations to Toshi and to YOU. Your wonderful and loving impact will reverberate for years to come. You are part of many family histories and stories now. Isn't that amazing?
